Thursday, August 09, 2012

"U.S. runner breaks leg, but finishes relay lap." This is an amazing story. Prediction: This young man will be successful in anything he does...

He finished the lap and limped to the side to watch the Americans finish the race and qualify easily for the final. A few hours later, doctors confirmed what he suspected: He had run the last 200 meters with a broken left fibula.

"I heard it and I felt it," Mitchell told The Associated Press. "But I figured it's what almost any person would've done in that situation."

Mitchell finished his heat in a more-than-respectable 46.1 seconds, and the United States tied the Bahamas in the second heat in 2 minutes, 58.87 seconds — the fastest time ever run in the first round of the relay at the Olympics.

I wonder how many of us would be this committed?

I would like to think we are...

I would.

Still... I am amazed and inspired.

Mr. Mitchell... you sir, are a hero.

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