Saturday, October 27, 2012

"As photography goes, so goes Bill Vandever" - this article makes me smile...

But since that life-changing July day, photography has been his medium. Period. By the early 90s, he was teaching photography at The College of New Jersey for a 12-year span that overlapped teaching at The Lawrenceville School. There, he still stresses to his students that “Luck favors the prepared” -- a variation of “f/8 and be there,” a saying he learned 40 years ago.

Vandever’s always ready to take pictures, usually with a Canon 5D, and he does so deliberately. “I’ll study it,” he says of anything he might shoot. For instance, two images in a recent exhibition showed window flower boxes, one in North Carolina and the other along NYC’s High Line. “It’s not just the window boxes,” the artist says, “it’s the window, the wall surrounding it, and maybe shadows too. . .”

... something I should do more often

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