Saturday, February 12, 2005

Update on Sensor Cleaning

We got our order from Visible Dust. I am reporting that the product performs exactly as described. My sensor was so bad that it looked like the craters of the moon on any shot I did at about 5.6 and lower.

We took out the tools, read the directions and started.

1. Using Chamber clean, I wiped down the entire chamber with the sterilized cotton swab things.

2. I cleaned the sensor with Sensor Clean, using one wet swab and drying it with one dry swab.

3. Brushed the Sensor Brushes over the sensor twice, blowing them off with canned air between passes.

Put the 100mm lens on and took a snap of a white wall at f16.

Totally clear. Totally.

Visible Dust has my full endorsement. Fantastic product.
Visit them and get the whole works.

Visible Dust

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