Friday, April 22, 2005

Visual Reflection Notebooks - At Communication Arts

This may help you when you start to develop your "story". Keep a journal (that's why point-n-shoot 5MP cameras were created) of what moves you, stimulates you, makes you go "hmmmmm", titillates you, offends you, turns you off, angers you, triggers happy emotions.... Whatever. Make little prints and tape them into a little blank book with notes and scraps of items from wherever you are. Take your time... these aren't done in a week or so.

Oh... and don't think about it. Turn that voice that says "no, that's corny", "I already got one of those", "that's like the one I saw over at so-and-so's site"... Tell that voice to shut the hell up.

Shoot, comment, write a little... shoot a little more. Then look at it as a whole piece. It is a piece about you. Do this for a month at least. Three is even better. Hone your skill. Hone your vision. Get in touch with wou you are visually, spiritually, humanly.

A story of you.

Design Culture: Visual Reflection Notebooks

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