Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Communication Arts: Columns

Very good, long article on some important aspects of running your own small business. Keeping these ideas in mind should help in decisions you will make about your work environment, even your marketing systems / implementation planning.

Communication Arts: Columns

Scale is the critical factor in determining staffing in a design studio. In terms of personnel, the difference between large and small studios is that smaller, more horizontal organizations need individuals who are capable of, and enjoy, taking on different roles and tasks, and have a fairly wide skill set. Large-scale studios can afford to support designers who are more specialized—both in their skill sets and their roles. Roz Goldfarb emphasizes that in both scenarios, “Success depends on productive team work and consistent coordination between people in creative, marketing, strategy, account services and studio management; and in the case of small studios, regardless of who wears which hat.”

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