Sunday, May 15, 2005

Need to Get an Idea? Fast?

Jump on over to Johns Ideas and Creativity for a real look at how ideas can be created, nurtured, refined and studied. I love these little tricks and use them in client meetings where folks try to 'brainstorm' a solution to a marketing challenge. I slightly alter the method to include the clients logo, images, story and such so that we can start to get them thinking about themselves abstractly. Sometimes that is when the breakthrough comes, when they start to see themselves as others do.

Try some of Johns ideas to help you break out of a creative slump, form an idea for a portfolio shot, create a new list of stock photos to shoot, define a message for a mailer or refine your 'mission.'

You do have a mission don't you? Good.

John's Ideas and Creativity: "Google images for creating ideas
I've been tinkering about with this approach to creating ideas lately (when the computer lasts long enough without crashing - I think it may be in its death throes, but that's another (long) story).

I start by accessing pages of random images on Google.

Then I pick out an object in the image. I do this by either straightforwardly picking an object or I select an area of colour/shading and treat that area of shading as though it's a three dimensional object."

1 comment:

John said...

Hi Don. Thanks for the mention :) I published two new techniques on my blog today that I particularly like: flip-flop directed-association and profiling. Let me know what you think!
All the best