Wednesday, June 01, 2005

So I'm it, eh...

I have been tagged by LaShawn and Kevin... here goes:

Number of Books I own.
Nearly 1000. We have boxes in storage and shelves over shelves of books. I love books. My kids have nearly 500 kid / young adult books. I have a real aversion to throwing away books.

Last Book I Bought:
"Call to Action" by Jeff and Bryan Eisenberg. It is an ecommerce book on user experience. Also bought Seth Godin's book "All Marketers are Liars" at the same time.

Last Read:
Just finished "The Autobiography of Igor Stravinsky". (Sadly out of Print)

Five Books that mean a lot to me:
1. "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" - Robert Persig
2. "The Monkey Wrench Gang" - Edward Abbey
3. "Vision of the Annointed" - Thomas Sowell
4. "The Lord of the Rings" - Tolkien
5. "A Love Supreme - The Making of John Coltrane's Masterpiece" - Ashley Kahn

And there you have the list. If I had to do it over again tomorrow it would probably change... 'cept the Trane book.

Rick L - your'e "it" now.

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