Thursday, August 04, 2005

Moore's Law Hits Blogosphere... Ouch

Blogs, media and us...
I am looking at the incredible explosion of online media sources... blogs, ezines, portals and many personal sites like MySpaces and wondering if this momentum can sweep content creators along with it. Images, design and content will be in huge demand, but the continual challenges of lower cost per entry and rising entrepreneurship will provide considerable competition.

This is the point in time to start preparing for shifts in media, its delivery and how you can be involved. It is a coming storm, but many will do well in its wake.

Purple Cow
Prize Inside
Tipping Point

ABC News: Silicon Insider: Moore's Law Hits Blogosphere: "By this point Moore would only say that he could no longer predict how long his 'law' might last, but surely it would have to eventually crash into some unbreachable wall: fabrication cost (price) or quantum physics (miniaturization) or mathematics (perpetual doubling, like the proverbial grains of rice on a chessboard, would eventually approach infinity).

Yet, when I last talked with Gordon a couple years ago about the law, which has now made his name immortal, he could only chuckle in disbelief that not only was it still at work, but showed no sign of slowing down. The Semiconductor Industry Association, which he advises and which prepares the biannual Industry Roadmap, now sees no serious obstacles to Moore's Law until at least 2015, and perhaps well into the middle of the century. By then, $50 microprocessor chips will have greater processing power than the human brain, and home PCs will be as powerful as today's biggest supercomputers."

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