Sunday, January 01, 2006

Digital Camera Carnival

Hey... maybe it was the holidays. Small collection of posts here today. Happy New Year and on with the mini-carnival. (Welcome Instapundit readers. This blog is mostly about marketing and such for photographers. Lots of digital photography info as well. Look around, but don't trip over anything... my office is such a mess...)
Eric (The Good Lieutenant) is taking pics with his new Nikon 4600.

Kevin weighs in on why iPod's are 'cooler' than digital cameras.

Right at the Left Beach asks:
How Will You Use Your Digital Camera?

"Digital cameras proliferate and jump into the hands of consumers at an astounding rate. Who are the buyers of the amazing technology? What do all these buyers want to do with their little photon recorders?"

I will post #10 in my series on what photographers should be doing next - er - this year to build their business. See below for the last 9 (DAP) entries.

Here's a horror story about buying a digital camera online.

Rick Lee keeps us humble by shooting everything he sees... well!

A good read on EXIF data at DigitalPhotographyWeblog.

Digital Camera Tracker tries to help sort the proliferation of new cameras.

Photography Blog on hidden costs: It’s long been an accepted fact in the digital camera industry that you don’t necessarily get everything that you need in the box. You almost always get a memory card that’s far too small, or in the case of digital SLRs, no memory card at all.

Casio Exilim Zoom Ex-Z750 is reviewed at Picture Correct.

Interesting article on a cheap digital camera at Woot.

"Looking through the (metaphoric) pile of downloaded pics this morning, I found myself struggling to remember where some of the scenic and people shots were actually taken. So in a couple of years I can guarantee I will definitely have no clue as to where I have taken the majority of my photograph collection!" Interesting suggestion from Peter Cochrane (a bit older post, but still interesting)

Well, that's the carnival as it stands. I added a few posts that I had found to round it out. I hope you all enjoy, stick around and read some of my photo-centric posts and have a wonderful New Year.


Anonymous said...

I keep managing to miss the Carnivals......

Melissa said...

I just found your blog through Rick Lee. I had a horrible camera buying experience and enjoyed your link to someone else's horror story. Mine wasn't nearly that bad.

Anonymous said...

I have found your blog from digitalcameratracer and I find it very interesting. You can find here many very interesting informations about digital cameras

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