I am digital at this point, preferring Canon cameras. The shots below were done with an 80 - 200 f2.8 at about 6.7. I use a very large soft-box as my main light and flats / umbrellas for fill.
Post processing is done in Photoshop and every image is carefully processed from minimal touch-up to full blown illustrative techniques.
I like to think of my pictures as capturing a moment in time where the camera becomes invisible and the woman is looking directly into your soul. I also try to capture those moments that are not 'staged' but real. I shoot while the model is 'composing' herself for a moment, I shoot when they are resting... I want to capture something that most don't see. And then share it.
Digital gives me the ability to shoot as many exposures as I want and then go through them with careful attention to what I was trying to achieve as well as what the woman would want to show.
Anyway, here are a few more reasons why I love my job.

Christina wears jeans very well, don't ya think?

Simple headshot with minimal post-processing.

Major post-processing using an action to make the shot look like a "TinType" photo complete with stains. I love images that are illustrative and these types of tools make it possible to do it digitally without gettin' all them smelly chemicals on my hands. (I used to print Cibachromes... Dang, wonder how many years I shaved off smelling and handling that chemistry?)
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