Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Back in the saddle again...

The Wind in her Hair
At least for a while. I have been up at Jerome for a few days and the internet was not available to me. Wow, that was weird. I took it as a sign, though, and just concentrated on what I was there to do. What was that, you ask?

A meetup of a really great group of photographers to have a fun day, meet new people and shoot some great images. If you want a flavor of it, visit Flickr and use the tag azstrobistjerome and you will see a passel of images made that day. Here's a link to the discussion.

Of course, being involved with no internet means I am way behind on the blog and sharing some interesting stuff with you all. I also have a video to edit (yeah, in all my free time), and of course a new tutorial at the Lighting-Essentials site.

But look for a blog a day from me for the upcoming days as I have lots to tell you.

Sorry for the break, but we are back at it.

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