Monday, April 14, 2008

Modeling Agencies Feeling the Crunch of 'Progress'?

This is a very interesting post: read it if you are a photographer, model or designer.
KIM PEERS WAS HERE (OR THE DEATH OF THE 100K CAMPAIGN BOOKING) | The Imagist: "Now for Fall 2008 modeling agencies globally are facing a crisis as the body of best blue chip campaigns have been paying less and less each year. There is a lot of disillusionment in the air and the general feeling that when it comes to bringing in the bottom line, anything goes, catalog rules and the money job is all. This week I'll be prepping a special report on the issue and will privately speak to a circle of power agents on their views as to why this is happening.

More importantly it feels like the modeling industry -which has developed a habit of playing the same booking strategies season after season- is now facing a moment when it will have to rethink the current 'business model'. Some agencies have junked the entire quest of editorial credibility to peddle themselves along the most mass-market lines possible. Others have gone into a bunker mentality, surrounding themselves with an Old-Guard alignment hoping the proven tactics of yore will win after-all. Crisis can be nerve-wracking but crisis can also trigger creativity and innovation and bold new ways of marketing models. I wonder what the Casablancas and Gerald Maries would have to say about the current landscape?"

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