Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Photos' Rights: Another Perspective

Excellant Blog at Amazon:
Ryan Brenizer's Amazon Blog: Are you signing your photos' rights away? Permalink: "Let's face it: Most people are more likely to make it through the 600th page of War and Peace than actually read a Terms of Service agreement. It seems like these mountains of legalisms are everywhere you're opening a new program or signing up for a Web site, and who can be bothered when the 'I have read the terms and agree to them' button is right there for the pressing?

Every once in a great while, some intrepid soul will actually read one of these things, and they don't always like what they see. One of the big news items of the week was the launch of Photoshop Express, a Web-based image-editing platform that allows you to make quick, simple edits to images wherever you are. It's a very cool site and has a lot of potential, but its terms of service contains these harrowing passages:

Read the whole thing...

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