Wednesday, January 19, 2011

When the press doesn't get it right, it can have serious consequences. Leaving out a "0" leads to photographer woes.

Despite the challenges and pay rates that are significantly lower than other forms of photography (Hargis said he charges around $200 for most of his shoots), being able to go into some of the nicest homes in the country makes it worth it.

No, SFC, you missed that price by a bit. It is only one "0" but it makes a bigass difference when it is published and people call you names and are angry when they call to book you cause, you know... it was in the paper. After all, it isn't like you have any responsibility to get it right. It's just the news.

'S OK, though. They get all the other stuff right. (LOL)


I have been interviewed over a dozen times and only once was I not misquoted. It is one of the reasons I have little (to no) respect for urinalists.

What a screwup.

Posted via email from Now This is Cool...

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