Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Decline of Male Space | The Art of Manliness: Never been a problem for me. My studio has always been my "Man Cave"

Alright. So you might be thinking, “What’s the big deal? Isn’t it a good thing we’ve gotten past this archaic gender segregated stuff?” Yes… and no. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all in favor of the progress we’ve made, but again, the pendulum has arguably swung too far to the other extreme, leaving men without their own space.

We often underestimate the effects our surroundings have on our psyche. Architects, interior designers, and feng shui experts understand this profound impact. Even famous feminist writer Virginia Woolf understood the importance that space can have on an individual.

In her 1928 essay A Room of One’s Own, Woolf passionately argued that the reason women hadn’t produced as many great literary works as men was because they were denied the same opportunities afforded their male counterparts. The central argument in her essay was that women needed a room of their own in a world that was predominantly male so they could be alone and connect with their true identity and creative impulses.

Eighty years later, it’s the men asking for a room of their own.

I love having my own space. My home office is mine. MINE.

The wife pops in every once in a while to shake her head and smirk, but I gave in on the 'old timey, back woods with frilly lace crap" bedroom set, so she is OK with my choice of decor.

Only thing we agree on in my office is no cigars to be smoked there.

That I reserve for the patio and a Corona.

Posted via email from Now This is Cool...

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