Friday, July 01, 2005

It may be a little "techy" for some...

...but this is a very well thought out post on the coming transformation of the web. I am hoping that photographers will take the time to see how this may benefit their marketing efforts and increase the level of reach for their work. I will be posting in the future on this topic directly relating to small business, photographers and creative services businesses. This will be a quiet, but very deep revolution, in how the web is used. (hat tip: Kevin)
PBS | I, Cringely . June 30, 2005 - Accessories Make the Nerd: "The United States Supreme Court this week ruled against Grokster and StreamCast, saying the peer-to-peer file-sharing services could be held liable if their members used them to illegally share copyrighted material. Depending on who you are, this decision probably appeared to be wise or unwise, fair or unfair, good or bad, and either chilling for technical innovation, or...well, chilling for technical innovation. But I'm here to tell you it is none of the above. I don't know whether the Supreme Court was right or wrong, but I can tell you that except for the limited case of the Groksters, themselves, and their retirement savings, the decision means very little. It is simply a tide that carries all boats."

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